There are many more ways to heal cancer AND other dis-eases than through the currently known western medicine healing methods... IF those Western methods are healing us,... because more and more research shows us that in many cases it is not. Sadly enough... because millions of people are putting all their faith and trust in it. Is it all bad?... No... but...
There are many more ways to heal cancer AND other dis-eases than through the currently known western medicine healing methods... IF those Western methods are healing us,... because more and more research shows us that in many cases it is not. Sadly enough... because millions of people are putting all their faith and trust in it. Is it all bad?... No... but...
I'm doing research on western and alternative medicine for years now. I'm not a doctor... but I do know that doctors are NOT trained in nutrition (whereas we all know that food can be our medicine ), nor in any type of alternative treatments (like the beautiful and enormous benefits of music
, dance
, writing
, singing
, nature
, light
, colour, warmth
, hugs
, meditation
, rewiring our brain by starting to think differently
, acupunture,...),... In contrary they are only teached about chemical drugs and how alternative methods are 'bullshit' (these are sadly enough words of medical students themselves). What a shame and a pitty.... Because...
The Quantum Medicine DOES research all of these seemingly very 'simple things' that can heal us AND are proving that it works! Yay! Of course it does! Finally Doctors, Physicists and Alternative healers are shaking hands
If we only allow ourselves to tune into the Magic of our own bodies -we are Miracles; each and every one of us! - then it is all of a sudden pretty easy to understand that e.g. music with the right frequency can heal us
, why a 'simple' walk in the forest is SO rejuvenating, etc... Everything is energy. On top of that we are made of 70% water which means that sending the right and most healthy/healing frequencies through our bodies is a powerful choice we can make.
And have you noticed that all the 'simple things' don't cost a thing?... Then why do we all run to the pharmacist with our bonus card where we get more points (?!) the more chemical drugs we buy (also read as: the sicker we are, the more dependant we are, the more we sponsor the business that denies the benefits of natural ways of healing, the more bonusses we get). Oh my... #TimeForChange
Belgian pharmacies are big modern buildings where people are often waiting in long lines to get at least their TWO products. Because if the first one can irritate your stomach you often need a second one to protect your amazing hard working stomach. Poor her...
As I'm always looking at things from the positive side, always trying to transform the challenges into great and interesting learning processes, please know that I'm only sharing this because I care about you
(your Health = your Wealth and your Body = your Temple).
It is also the reason why I facilitate QUANTUM DANCE WORKSHOPS: to get your body in tune with Healing Musical Frequencies and to make you more conscious about how to use music and movement in a conscious and beneficial way. It is FUN!
#MUSICMEDICINE #yougottaGiveitaTry #GratefulForMusic #ThankyouQuantumMedicine
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